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These two items crossed my computer screen last week. They exemplify how resistance is universal and unstoppable.

First is a more detailed report of an action we mentioned briefly in Basics of Resistancecrashing through the Berlin Wall by train:

It was the last train to freedom. That’s literally what Harry Deterling called it when he told his friends and family about his escape plan. Deterling, his wife, Ingrid, and their four sons were living in East Berlin in 1961, when the 27-year-old train engineer, saw his opening. Again, literally: The opening was a train crossing to West Berlin scheduled for permanent closure. Escape wouldn’t be easy. In Deterling’s corner, though, was a BR 78 steam-powered locomotive.

Next up, something more contemporary. Around the world, the drive to take out ticket cameras grows:

In Bas-en-Basset, white paint took out the speed camera on the RD12 on Thursday, according to Le Progres. The camera on the RN102 near Fix-Saint-Geneys was painted orange on the same day. Orange was also the color of choice last week Sunday on the D31 in Laval, Ouest France reported. Yellow paint kept the speed camera in Breil-sur-Roya from issuing tickets last week. According to San Remo News, the device was located on the French side of the border on the RD6204 just outside Cronaca, Italy.

On Thursday, the speed camera on Wolverhampton Road in Oldbury, England was set on fire with a tire, according to the Oldbury Fire Station, which extinguished the blaze.

In Ecuador, vigilantes in the past month disabled two speed cameras in Cuenca. According to El Tiempo, the first device on the road between Cuenca and Azogues was decapitated on March 20. The one near Cumbe was disabled on April 7. Police have no idea who might be responsible.

Important to remember: A movement can be global without requiring even a lick of international coordination. In fact, attacks on speed cams and red-light cams are more effective for being carried out by those most affected — the poor, fed-up motorists who are victimized by them in a given area.